TransformerRef = ref TransformerObj
proc `$`(t: TransformerRef): string {...}{.raises: [ValueError], tags: [].}
- Converts Transformer object in string
proc Transformer(code = ""; rules: seq[RuleObj] = @[]; debug = false): TransformerRef {...}{. raises: [], tags: [].}
Creates new Transformer object.
Keyword Arguments:
- code -- code for transform.
- rules -- rules for transform.
proc add(t: TransformerRef; rules: varargs[RuleObj]) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
- Adds a new rules in the transformer obj.
proc add(t: TransformerRef; rules: seq[RuleObj]) {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
- Adds a new rules in the transformer obj.
proc transform(t: TransformerRef; code = ""): string {...}{.raises: [FieldError, ValueError, IndexError, UnpackError, AccessViolationError, RegexInternalError, InvalidUnicodeError, KeyError, Exception], tags: [].}
transforms text, using specific rules.
Keyword Arguments:
- code -- code for transform.
macro rules(t: TransformerRef; body: untyped): untyped